Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Heartfelt, Life-committed Worship

READ Psalms 127-128

Many of the Psalms are proverbial in nature, i.e., they state deep truths in succinct ways. These can appear as couplets (two lines) that sometimes are contrasting in nature or often repetitive in nature. Many times when they are repetitive they say the same thing twice, just in different words. We have an example of that at the beginning of Psalm 128. “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways!” (1)

In verse 1 the writer is not stating two different truths about those who are blessed. Rather he is giving us a parallelism of one truth. This means that to fear the Lord equals to walk in his ways. Fear is reverence or humble worship. Walking in his ways is obedience. True worship is faithful obeying the Lord in all things at all times.

So the obvious question is — do you and I truly know the blessing that comes from being heartfelt, live committed worshippers of God? If not, don’t you think it’s time to start?

Prayer: Father, all blessing comes from you. We do not earn it; we do not deserve it. We also know that the desire and ability to fear you and walk in your ways comes from you. So we ask for your grace to provide each area of need. Give us hearts that want to worship you and give us lives that do worship you. We desperately need your grace.

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