Monday, May 18, 2015

Do You Think it's Pleasant to Praise?

READ Psalms 147-148

The very first verse in this passage proclaims, “Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.” The writer of the Psalm loved to worship God through song. Do you? No, really, do you? Do you think of lifting your voice in praise to God as being “good?” Do you truly think it is “pleasant” to join with other believers in song when you gather for worship?

Or…do you simply stand with your mouth (and heart?) closed waiting for the song or songs to be over? Though I try not to spend time in church looking at what other people are doing as we worship, I can’t help noticing at times that there seem to be a number of people around who are not participating. How sad! The single greatest sound of music that should come from our churches is not a soloist or a choir or a band or an orchestra. No, it should be the sound of the whole congregation lifting up their voices in praise of God — speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.

So, if this is not what you do, perhaps the best first step is repentance. And a helpful word is the definition of repentance: a change of mind that results in a change of life. So ask God’s forgiveness on your lack of participation and then begin to sing. And PLEASE remember that it doesn’t matter how your voice sounds to others. To God it is beautiful. You think all of your children’s little songs are beautiful, don’t you? Well, God is a loving Father who loves the praises of his children. So jump in with a loud voice. Praise the Lord!

Prayer: Father, help me to have a heart for worship and praise of you. Help those in our churches to have hearts of praise and worship for you. Help us to think how pleasant it is to lift our voices in song.

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