Thursday, May 14, 2015

Faithful Are the Wounds of a Friend

READ Psalms 141-142

How many of us would sincerely pray what David did in Psalm 141:5? After he has asked God to set a guard over his mouth (3) and to keep him away from evil (4) he says, “Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it.” One of the ways that God guards us and keeps us from evil is by giving us godly counselors to speak truth in love to our lives. But how many of us truly desire to have this kind of input? Do we really want to be stricken and rebuked by righteous friends? “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” (Proverbs 27:6)

First of all, it takes a deep sense of humility for someone to truly want this kind of challenge his life. One must humble himself before others and let it be known to his godly friends that he desires to be held accountable by them. Then, when they do speak into our lives, we must willingly accept what they say. We must hear it and consider it and let the Lord use it to sharpen us as iron sharpens iron.

Who do you have who is righteous and mature as a Christian that you are willing to listen to when they have to give you correction? We all need those people in our lives.

Prayer: Father, help me to be willing to hear when my godly brothers and sisters speak truth in love to my life. Help me to humble myself before them. Help me to bring their ideas before you for your guidance in my life. Help me to see their wounds as a kindness and their rebuke as a blessing.

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