Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Passing It On

READ Ezra 7-8

Ezra was a priest descended from Aaron. He returned from Babylon along with many other priests with the blessing and resources provided by King Artaxerxes. He was obviously a strong leader who was also a very godly man, trusting God and seeking his blessing and help continuously in their return.

And for us today there is something in Ezra to follow in our own lives. He set his heart “to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.” We noted yesterday that, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we should hear and do the Word of God. Ezra did that with all his heart. But he also had the added component of teaching God’s Word.

Now you might claim a pass here because you are not a pastor or teacher of a class. But the question is, are you teaching anyone? What about your family? Are you taking the time to teach them the Word and ways of the Lord. Or do you leave that up to others completely? I think every Christian could potentially find someone to “teach.” Maybe it would be a new Christian who just wants to learn more about the Lord. Or maybe you should consider teaching a class whether it be young people or adults. The key is to find some avenue of passing on to others what God has shown to you.

Prayer:  Father, I pray that you would help each of us to faithfully study your Word and do it with all our hearts. And, Lord, help us to want to share it with others. Thank you for your faithfulness in teaching us through your written revelation. Help us to demonstrate our love for you by our obedience and faithfulness to your Word.

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