Monday, August 31, 2015

Prostitution: You and me??

READ Ezekiel 5-6

God hates idolatry. He so constantly punishes his people in the OT for their idolatry. But notice the word he uses in 6:9 as he describes what the idolatry truly is — “whoring”. For us that is a most despicable word. We get it. We understand what it means. Spiritual harlotry is a horrible evil. God sees Israel as his bride. And yet they have gone off into “whoring” by making and worshipping idols. But in their minds they were still worshipping God also. They were just covering all the bases.

They had broken the very first of the ten commandments. “You shall have no other gods before me,” declares the Lord. That means none above him or even in his presence. It doesn’t mean “give God first place” and then have things you worship almost as much in second, third, and so on place. It means you will worship no one and nothing at all besides God himself.

So how are you and I doing? Is there anything in our lives that we idolize. Again that doesn’t mean we think we have abandoned God completely. No, it may be that we have allowed other things or people to gain a place of worshipful focus in our lives along with God. No, “before Me” means above me or in my presence. One doesn’t have to abandon any thought of God to be an idolator. It can be a very easy thing to slide into with no concious thought. Watch out! God hates idolatry.

Prayer: Father, please keep my heart pure before you. Help me to worship you and you alone for you alone are God. You will not give your glory to another. Help me to know that my greatest good is found in worshipping you alone. Help me to be satisfied in you.

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